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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Success Killer – Montage Movie

This week I went to see the movie "social network", which is a film about the story behind Facebook.

I have also the new remake of the movie "The Karate Kid", which paradoxically has nothing to do with Karate and everything to do with Kung Fu. Suppose "The Kid Kung Fu" would do well at the Office?

Anyway, I enjoyed watching two of these movies, but there is a potential killer hidden success in these movies that can affect our subconscious mind if we are not aware of.

The killer success I refer is the movie montage. 

Let's start with the social network.

Essentially, the entire movie is a montage events got Mark Zuckerberg through process on creating, launching and closing the Facebook suspensions dollar company is now in less than a decade. 

The story is very inspiring, especially in a techno-geek like me.  However, the challenge to watch a movie like this is that compresses what happened in a series of one and a half hours from events that take Facebook from idea worth billions.

  The success of Facebook was really fast, but not that was quickly. I.e., Mark Zuckerberg didn't go from concept to create Facebook where venture capital in writing the check for half a million dollars in 45 minutes, which is approximately how long it took to "time movie".

  Of course we realize that there are deliberately passages of time in between the different scenes in the film, especially since there are few labels at the bottom that tells you the month and year that you are watching, but I have Subconscious level that sees only what Tarzan who end up with an idea and BAM it programming away his computer and BAM is finished writing software and BPM is launched and thousands of people use it and this is a ' billionaire BAM.

  Real life doesn't work that way. real life isn't a montage.  When the movie skips over the coming six months, with nothing happening, which is a long time in real life! 

I believe there is a real danger to the subconscious programming that occurs when watching movies like this, because when we have an idea for something we unconsciously things to draw up as quickly as they do in the movies. Well I am not going to happen.  :)

Why people like Mark Zuckerberg success is because it is quick to implement the ideas that come to them and focused energy and an intention on their ideas.  As the film is not yet that they are the first to come up with an idea, but they are the first to go through the process of implementing the idea and that it may take a long time. 

Now, somebody somewhere has a new idea of Google and what they did cyan Facebook on the Internet.However, the idea of ever actually less anything large because the person may flee way too easily. 

Take a look and the new Karate Kid movie. we all know the story.Kid gets beat up by bullies.Kid meets unlikely guru Guru teaches child. Kung Fu within a 30-minute montage.Kid wins tournaments vs. children who have been training in Kung Fu for years.

Now even I am talking about the fact that in the film the kid Learn Kung Fu within several months (or even weeks?)from simple training with Jackie Chan each day, reaching children schooling who have training probably since they were in their mother's womb.Itself is well received, but could possibly believe if Jackie Chan is an awesome instructor and somehow all the other teachers of this tournament is so terrible that they cannot learn properly.

However, that's not what I am talking about here ... I am referring to the fact that when you start watching the movie, the child does not know Kung Fu.One hour later he has mastered the cobra approach; you might have realized it, but that this programs your mind.Subconscious mind starts to believe that it is possible to master Kung Fu within one hour.

I know that sounds weird, but it is true.

I have seen countless examples of this in my martial arts class.One of the very first and most fundamental things that everyone learns the first day is how to reduce the carpet without blow themselves and how to make rolls from rolls mean something similar with sommersaults that we used to do in kindergarten.

What happens in almost every case is that our Sensei shows what is supposed to resemble the roll, and there are other students where they go and start making rolls. brand new student ever a good roll before you made the first attempt to make rolls. After about four or five tries, almost everyone says the same thing "I guess I'm not good in them".

It is funny, because it almost always happens. Those who aren't saying what they think. the reason for this is because they compare the most pathetic attempt to roll properly with smooth, effortless roll Sensei shows us the difference is that the new student has practiced a grand total of five cylinders, and our Sensei did nearly a billion times!

I was aware that a brand new student can be twenty times more athletic and more coordinated by senior student, but rolls suck because you haven't had enough practice. period of validity.

The age of TV has brought us the ability to see the world without leaving our salon. This has brought us films demonstrating the wonders of our world, but we must be careful as to how to enable TV and now on the Internet to plan our subconscious minds. nobody can master as the players make a movie editing a skill.

You have done All we've done it.. We have all the ideas that were aggressive and excited about because it does not immediately take off and produces immediate results huge.

Nobody puts on 25 lbs of muscle, becoming a world-class Boxer at the time it takes for a rocky montage.

Nobody learns Kung Fu and winning a tournament during the time it takes to keep track of the montage Karate Kid.

Nobody came with an idea and creates a company suspensions at the time dollar required to keep track of the social network.

Just something to think about the next time that you try your hand at something, and you haven't seen a world champion trophy or one billion dollars in one hour.

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