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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Kajabi services with a Killer

OK, so Kajabi just launched and the offer is awesome.

I was looking very forward to see this product goes live for more than 6 months, as I want to use for some of my upcoming projects will launch and hoped it was going to be like $ 2,495 $ 4,995 or type of product with a huge up-front cost.

I know how much power at its disposal a system like this, since I've seen people like Andy Jenkins Frank Kern and John Reese they launches vast dollar on this platform, but I really hope that they would not be the values this thing out of the reach of small children.

The great news is that I saw just the video of the launch and expressed the Group Kajabi.

Are launching this thing with a terrible price tag, and three flavors depending on the needs of each type of operator.

It is easier for you to watch the video of the launch once and hear Andy Jenkins explains what is offering than for me to try to explain it all, typing out, so here …just watch the video:


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