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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Rate Tracker plugin – track your rankings in Google for your keywords

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New plugin for the WordPress tracker even released recently, and allows you to track your Google ratings for each of your targeted keywords, as well as those who are actually keywords.

And it notify you by e-mail when things change!

There are two major advantages:

The first is that you receive via email all your site changes the ranking for this keyword is specified for monitoring in real-time how were going to the Web site promotion efforts.

Second, get to know about the other keywords that rank your site for, this will help you in your SEO business tweek and off-site for better ranking in Google.

It is easy to setup as all you need to do is download the rank Tracker plugin and ftp it up your WordPress site, activate it, add your email address and give it to begin to work its magic. then will reach your Inbox emails to inform you that your site has changed its position in the search engine results pages in Google.Read on to find out more ...

Data collected by this plugin Worpdress occurs whenever a blog or your Web site visitors search in Google. therefore, you expect to see a lot of data if your site is not yet rated because more visitor traffic that you receive mmhpsh in Google then the data will be collected about more keywords ranking sites for these keywords.

So get ratings Plugin Tracker to track rankings in Google for all your keywords, news, did not even know about!

So now every time someone finds your blog or website by searching with Google, and then when they click through to your site from the search results, you simply choose to receive e-mail straight to your Inbox.

This e-mail will let you know the exact term keyword, phrase or keyword search that they used essentially in Goggle to find your site. e-mail tells you which page that came to find your site and where your site is ranked in the search engines are Google result pages for the keyword or phrase, you are already targeting it or not.

Of course, if in fact you do not wish to receive these e-mail messages to track ratings, and then move them around the rank Tracker plugin admin boordprs, if you want to look at these ratings in Google keywords are stored in WordPress for you, you can simply check this information every time you sign in to the admin area.

Rank Tracker Plugin of WordPress really help you get better Google ranking!

This is a useful plugin.

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